The "MERN" Stack is getting replaced

The "MERN" Stack is getting replaced

First of all, I'm not saying the MERN stack is going anywhere. I'm saying, the tech is moving at the speed of a flash. in around 2 years, react.js is gonna look like angular. express I don't think express is gonna get replaced, and also for MongoDB and Node JS.


img MongoDB Is a pretty fun database. It's a pretty easy-to-use database. Just install a library, and you are on your way. MongoDB is pretty damn fast! There are almost no complaints about MongoDB.

Replacement for MongoDB is gonna be tuff. Soo the replacement for MongoDB is Metamask. This was very tuff. But "tech is moving at the speed of a flash". Metamask is not a database but it can hold nfts, so you know what I am talking about.

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Image description The same story applies, here express is cool, it's good, and it's also pretty fast. This was a wild one. I chose Astro because it's good as express.

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I am just not talking about react read my previous blogs, you will just understand it. Just use svelte. svelte is fast, easy, and reliable.


4 (and last one). NodeJS


This thing is not Replaceable.

The Stack

This Is The MASN stack, which stands for METAMASK, ASTRO, SVELTE, AND NODE JS. Better than the MERN stack.

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